Practice #1956
DSO Traditional
  • Opportunity update - 2nd location now available for consideration: Both offices are located in Eastern NC, ~45 minutes apart. Both practices are well appointed with 5 fully equipped ops each. Seller doctor is a primary provider for 1 of the 2 locations, and willing to continue practicing at her current capacity for years to come if desired. Locations are doing about ~$700K and ~$1.6M See Opportunity NC-2014 for other location. If interested, please contact our team: Angeliki Scoumis | | 704-813-2279 Catherine Silva | | 704-999-4333
  • 1. DSO Choice
    Commission paid by DSO/Buyer
  • 2. Traditional Choice
    Commission paid by Seller
  • Practice Type:
  • Opportunity Type:
  • Listing Status:
    Practice Updated
    • State:
      North Carolina
    • County Name:
      Onslow County
    • # of Operatories / Chairs:
    • State:
      North Carolina
  • Practice Selling Price:
  • Average Gross Collections:
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